Dive into the history of the French Cuisine

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Dive Into the History of the French Cuisine

The two words one might hear across the world before a meal are “bon appetit”. This shows the influence of the French all across. Indulge yourself in scrumptious meal options at Madeline Bakery and Restaurant. French food culture has been among the most famous cuisines around the world. After all, who does not love the delicacies of France? From ratatouille to pain au chocolat experience the flavors of France at your one-stop destination. Reading our blog can help you get an insight into the various dishes that are famous in France. Get hands-on experience with the sauces from the 17th century to modern recipes of the 21st century.

Describing France in its purest and truest form these dishes will transport you there in the first bite.

Le Cassoulet

A bean-based stew that is cooked for hours and at times days together. Also known as one of the national dishes of France. It has its origins in the south of France. Traditionally this dish includes

  • Beans
  • Pork
  • Duck
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Thyme
  • Toulouse Sauce

Get a burst of flavor in the first bite that you take. According to a legend, it is believed that you can regain your strength after eating it for a meal. So what are you waiting for? Visit us and see for yourself.


Might seem like a very American thing but in reality, Poulet Fries has been a staple in France for a very long time. Sundays are for roast chicken and fries. Family get-togethers have to have this dish on their menu. A rotisserie chicken from the market serves the purpose of the dish. Since gravies are not very popular in French cuisine people prefer the chicken to be on the drier side. Come and get a taste of the chicken and fries and get to know what is so special about it.


Not for the squeamish, this dish is another very famous one in France. Although they are quite popular you might not see them on the menus of restaurants as often. Neither are they very popular among the families. As the name suggests they are frog legs served with butter, garlic, and parsley. They were loved by the elites of France in the 16th century. They do not have a very strong taste but are a little similar to that of snails. If you are eager to try new things this is something that should be on your bucket list.


Being in France and not remembering deserts? This is an impossible thing to do. Here is a list of all the desserts that one has to try and are also readily available at our bakery

  • Croissant
  • Baguette
  • Pain Au Chocolat
  • Brioche
  • L’èclair
  • La Crème Brûlée
  • Crêpes
  • Macarons

The list goes on forever because the french cuisine is so versatile. You should definitely try all of the authentic French dishes and they are sure to leave you amazed. Don’t you believe us? Come visit us in Lake George, New York, and try everything for yourself.

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